Free Falling
Stu had some short-lived thoughts about NOT letting go.
One last look into the eyes of the huge spider sent him on his way... continuing his descent into the chasm...
Stu had some short-lived thoughts about NOT letting go.
Stu managed to wiggle free of the web and hung on.
Stu knew he had only one try... one try only... so he hurled the handful of sand into the spiders eyes as hard as he could. This would buy him some time to try to wiggle free from the web.
From all his crawling around... his pockets were full of sand from the floor of the cave.
Stu quickly checked his pockets for something useful that could help in this situation.
Stu knew that landing in the web was better than falling to his death... but was beginning to have second thoughts.
My cockatiel Maya wishes to express a feathery Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
What an incredible stroke of luck... someone had conveniently placed some sort of net across the opening!
Stu clutched tightly the useless rock fragments and screamed at the top of his lungs.
Stu flew thru the air with the greatest of ease... and then landed NOT exactly on the other side of the chasm.
The vine snapped when Stu was fully NOT ready for it to snap.
Lemmings aren't much for making noise... but it seemed like the appropriate thing to do before swinging on a vine over a bottomless pit!
After exploring all the tunnels [which incidentally all looped back to the main entry],
Many of the dead-end tunnels in the cave were littered with bones...
It wasn't long before Stu discovered who's cave it was!
Meanwhile... back in the cave.
Here is another sketch of Joey the young rambunctious kangaroo.
Here's a worm that was in the apple I was munching on.
I know this creature looks somewhat malnourished... but it showed up on my sketch pad.
A switch in the action to show you a sketch I did of a kangaroo.
It was a veritable lemming wonderland... tunnels all over the place.
Stu finally broke thru the cave opening.
Stu couldn't fit thru the tiny opening of the cave.
Stu needed a dry warm place to get out of the bitter winter cold.
When the iceberg drifted close enough to shore that he figured he could make it... Stu dove for it.
Iceberg riding is only fun until the sun comes out.
Stu came to the edge of the sea and spotted an iceberg.
Stu had a great time walking backwards to hide his direction of travel.