Dear Deer
Curiosity doesn't only kill cats.
The fresh morning dew hung on the edge... she stepped ever so carefully forward.
Things have been a little tough at the office...
Most people don't know that the Raccoon is actually in the BEAR family!
Stu stepped out onto his cliff-side balcony and smelled the crisp ocean air.
Clip-on glasses have certainly changed the snake world!
Last night I was hand feeding wax worms to my leopard gecko.
We had fish for dinner last night and I happened to glance over at our nearby fish tank.
Stu relaxed in his easy chair wondering when the next adventure was going to fall on him.
As the spring thaw continues... we find small creatures that prefer the colder climates!
The cautious squirrel crept slowly toward the bagel.
Here is a character in my latest children's book.
My wife and 2 daughters are headed for Jamaica as an outreach from our church.
Jill was in such a hurry for her job interview, she inadvertently put on her silly face.
When the aliens read the news headlines... they decided to hold off on any abductions for a while.
I went canoeing this past weekend.
Peep was casually taking a stroll under an apple tree... and found out just what Newton did.
Peep decided to try to lose a few pounds and figured SPORTS was the way to go.
You know... some people are just like this.
The alarm went off today and I hit the snooze... 5 or 6 times.
This morning I was tasked to work on a logo for a new residence hall under construction at Baylor University.
Good grief.
I remember as a kid seeing a movie about Noah's Ark.